Monday, January 2, 2012

Busy New Years Day

I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Years Eve celebration.  We had a quiet night, I was in bed by 10 and slept through the celebrations. 

We had a busy first day of the year.  Lyle spent the afternoon grinding pig and chicken feed.

You will notice that our processing equipment is old but hey, it's paid for and it works good.  We should have enough feed ground until late into spring.  The feeder pigs haven't sold yet so I may have to finish the whole litter.  Good thing my pork is a good seller at the farmers market.

We all went to Jen's house yesterday for tobogganing and a wiener roast.  The kids really enjoyed it, nothing like eating a burnt hot dog and drinking hot chocolate when it's -15 outside.


  1. The blog looks great, Pam. I'll have to check it out a little further. Terrific pics and videos. What kind of video camera do you use? Or is it your phone? I recently bought a FlipCam for use at school and I love it! Can't beat the quality and ease of use for 100 bucks!
    Keep up the good work. Happy New Year and all the best for 2012!

  2. By the way, Mrs. Bonjour Madame is me, Kim.

  3. Hey Kim! Thanks for the compliments. I use this blog for family to keep up with what we're doing. As well, many of my farmers market customers check it out to see what our farm is like. I eventually want to get a website with a storefront but that will have to wait for a bit. I just use my little kodak camera for the video, it seems to work OK. Most of the photos though are from my blackberry so they"re not that great.
